Cold Brew
Milk Chocolate • Brown Sugar • Vanilla
light |— — —X— — — | dark
Label photo from "A Poor Sort of Memory" by Tracy L Chandler
Here's how we like to make our concentrate:
Unlike your regular coffee, cold brew is made with cold or room temperature filtered water—allowing for all the coffee flavors to seep through and removing its sour side. Here are our advices for the best cold brew making experience.
To start off, grind the coffee beans to a medium/coarse grind. We like to go a little coarser then our usual pour over or batch brew. Not too far though. Just a little.
Add the coffee grounds to whichever container you want to use (there are so many choices for this... but we like the toddy system most.) and pour cold water onto them. We recommend a ratio of 1:6 of coffee ground to water, but feel free to experiment! If you are using the full bag you want about 5-6 cups of water. (we like metric... so 340g to 1.9L)
Once the water is poured, gently stir the mix to ensure all the grounds are wet and saturated with water. Cover your container, put in the fridge, and let it steep for 12-24 hours (we like to go on the longer side personally.)
Now you just have to strain the coffee grounds, and you are all set! (Again.. the toddy system is just easy to make this happen, sayin is all.)
Store in fridge and this concentrate will be good for a couple weeks.
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