This year was one of the best years in a long time for photo books and I could have added many more. And as always, there are the books I didn’t get to see that I will end up buying in the future.
This is a selection of books that I owned and have stimulated me visually, politically or intelligently.

The Park, Kohei Yoshiyuki, Radius Books
A re-release of this amazing work.
A secret world of lovers, voyeurs and stalkers lurking in bushes in the 1970’s are as relevant as ever, addressing issues of surveillance, voyeurism, and privacy that are alive and kicking in our online world.

Ukraine runs through it, Justyna Mielnikiewicz, Pix.house
At a time that a president is impeached for abusing the power of the presidency by withholding military aid as a means of pressuring Ukraine for his personal gain, it is easy to forget the very real and complex struggles of Ukraine and it’s people. Through image and text and in a gentle way, Justyna highlights some of the divisions at play.

Old Tjikko, Nicolai Howalt, Fabrik
A single photographic negative of this old tree has become 97 different variations of the same motif through the use of aged photographic paper. A beautiful exploration of time and unpredictability.

The Pillar, Stephen Gill, Nobody books
My favourite UK photographer after Vanessa Winship.
His experimentation and playfulness of what is possible with photography is always unique and surprising.

Sweat, Reiner Riedler, Reflektor
A stunning book as artwork that transports body sweat onto printed matter and can easily sit on the wall. I decided not to read the text explaining his process; it’s enough for me to let the images run free.

Hereafter, Federico Clavarino, Skinnerbooks
An exploration into his family archive of colonial power and privilege interspersed with Federico’s own ideological and personal framing of a past that needs to be challenged and reframed.

Were it not for, Michael Ashkin, Fw:Books
A book that makes me think in so many ways, love it.

Kleinstadt: Ute and Werner Mahler, Hartmann
A beautiful look at a small town in Germany that in fact could be anywhere in Europe or the US.

Parliament of Owls, Jack Latham, Here Press
An exploration into the hidden world of a summer retreat for the political and business elite of the world. Both fascinating and sinister, both real and fake, a book to literally cut apart, to reveal more of it’s narrative.

Sete #19, Vanessa Winship, Le Bec en l'Air
There is no way I can do a list and miss out this book.
A look at a territory and space that resonates with history, memories, and traces. A photographer who brings her sensibility too bear, making connections, with restraint and a visceral subtlety

American origami, Andreas Gonzalas, , Fw:Books
A reminder of a toxic subject that speaks of a society that is at constant war with itself. A subject that would pose no argument in Europe is captured in the book through a groundhog repetition that
reinforces a sense of helplessness.

La Puente: Charlotte Schmitz, FotoEvidence
A beautiful collaboration between the photographer and sex workers that turns the camera away from the sexualized and gives the women a creative and playful opportunity to present themselves through polaroids and nail varnish.
George Georgiou is a photographer currently living in Folkstone, UK. His new book Americans Parade is on the top of many lists this year, and since he is a close friend we decided to carry it on our site to help sell it in America. be sure to get your hands on one, as its a really beautiful book. George is married to Vanessa Winship and we all wish we were neighbors... ha!!!