Rana Young- The Rug’s Topography.
I first saw pictures from The Rug’s Topography several years ago when Rana submitted them to a group zine Claire Cushing and I were publishing with Same Coin Press. We used a few of her pictures in that zine and I have been a fan of her work ever since. After years of following her work this book doesn't disappoint.

Tim Carpenter - Illinois Central.
Full disclosure: Tim and I collaborated on a book with Deadbeat Club last year. He is also a friend but none of that changes the fact that he is one of my favorite photographers. I love several styles of photography, my tastes are broad, but I have often said that my favorite type of photograph is “whatever Tim Carpenter is doing”. This book contains some landscapes from a few places that I am frequently in. Tim has made stunningly good poetic photos were I would have never considered making one.

Jordanna Kalman- Little Romances.
This is another time when I have followed a body of work for years. Having only seen this work on social media I had no idea how well it would translate to a book. It really takes on a new life on the printed page.
Teju Cole/ Candor Arts/Museum of Contemporary Photography - Go Down Moses.
I’m not sure if it would be correct to call this an exhibition catalog. It accompanied the exhibition of the same name at the MoCP in Chicago but certainly stands alone as an art object. Like many of the books created by Candor Arts that I have seen I am blown away by the stunning production. I often hear that a good photobook is one that you can go back to often and even after going back to this one a few times I feel like I am just getting started with it.
Nathan Pearce is a photographer from Fairfield, Ill. His family has owned a farm there for over 100 years, and we are currently working on a body of work about it. Nathan also curates a bulletin board at his office at Joe's Body Shop and asks different artist to treat the bulletin board like a gallery. Nathan does cool stuff. OH! he also bought a house this year... way to go buddy!