PHOTOBOOKS OF NOTE 2022 - Vanessa Winship
Huts, Temples, Castles by Ursula Schulz-Dornburg - Mack
Matérias by Luísa Ferreira - XYZ
Homesick by Mads Greve - Fragment
Four Winters by Jem Southam - Stanley / Barker
Troubled Land by Paul Graham - Mack
Colour Mania: Photographing the World in Autochrome by Catlin Langford - Thames & Hudson / V&A
Incredible dedication and commitment on Catlin Langford’s part to brings these images to light. I saw them as reproductions first at last years Photo Oxford and more recently, the real things at the V&A.
Shifters by Marta Bogdanska - The Foundation for Visual Arts
Your Arms are so soft they are like lamb Wool by Orri Jonsson - Self-Published
The Okama Paradox by Israel Ariño and Clara Gassull - Ediciones Anómalas
Alexander Gronsky. [02-24-2022] - Les éditions Empreintes & Digitales
Brugnon by Špela Šivic - Self-Published
Carnival Strippers Revisited and Making Of by Susan Meiselas - Steidl
Dreamer by Kanghee Kim - Setanta