Sadly I don't own a copy of this wonderful enigmatic book. A wonderful use of archive and the photographers own images.
I love Alys Tomlinson's Portraits, they sing off the pages for me
Deadbeat Club
This is the kind of small book to put in your pocket and read on a journey somewhere. You can put it away and then take it out again and discover yet another layer unfolding. The smell of weed permeates every nook and cranny of this mysterious place.
This book arrived on our doorstep yesterday. I'm glad it did, it's by a duo who collectively call themselves Leafhopper and are Blanca Galindo and David Simon Martret.
Another older more established duo are Ute and Werner Mahler
Kleinstadt ( small town) is their new book.
As with much of their work their attention is drawn to young people and how they inhabit the space. Yet another wonderful portrait from them.
I'm always happy to see Justyna Mielenikiewicz's work acknowledged. Her long term project following the lives and oftentimes everyday events of the peoples of this trouble region Is a testament to her dedication and the love affair with it.
It deservedly belonged on the Aperture foundation book award shortlist this year
Made with the support of
Pix House and the Polish Institute in Tbilisi
I also wanted to flag up a couple of small European publishers who are making interesting and challenging work.

Here Press have an interesting model of working They make both full scale investigative type book, as well as inexpensive zines that may exist in their own right, but which, at a later date, may be put together into a bigger whole.
Edmund Clark's new zine White Cliffs, Blue Channel, Yellow Hammer is a great an example of the latter, and both Jack Latham's wonderful terrifying investigations, the reissue of Sugar Paper Theories and his new Parliament of Owls, are both incredible reads.
Edmund Clark
Jack Latham
Jack Latham

XYZ over in Portugal are also doing something similar with both books and zines. Starting from their own work they have expanded what they do, they also run a kind of community platform of talks, workshops and a small dedicated fine art printing lab.

RRB are a Bristol based press who say "We mainly publish overlooked, forgotten and under appreciated British photographers of the 1970s and 80s"

I don't yet have a copy of
By the Sea by Marketa Luskacova's beautiful work, but the exhibition at the Parr foundation made me cry for the good people of Britain who have so roundly been neglected. Luskacova's work certainly falls into RRB's mission statement.
Perhaps the most wonderful gifts for me this year aside from seeing Americans Parade finally made into a book, has been receiving two tiny A5 volumes of poetry, one with a simple green cover, the other red. There's nothing flashy about its production and you will not find the author on any website. They are minute print runs, delivered from hand to hand.
and one last mention...
I've not seen this book, so I can't actually add it to the list, but I understand there is a reissue Jim Goldburg's seminal work Raised by Wolves, it's an important work that addresses teenagers living on the margins.
Vanessa Winship is a photographer who lives in Folkstone, UK. She had her mid career survey at the Barbican Arts Centre, in london last year... so, you know... she's not to bad. We have become very close with her and her husband George Georgiou (he's coming up with his list real soon!) and love it when we get the chance to talk till the wee hours with them. And if you are ever lucky enough to have ever her gluten/soy/dairy free chocolate cake... do not turn it away! We have great things planned with Vanessa, when its good and ready.