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Artikel: PHOTOBOOKS OF NOTE 2021 - chris mccall

PHOTOBOOKS OF NOTE 2021 - chris mccall

PHOTOBOOKS OF NOTE 2021 - chris mccall

This has been another odd year, and books have been a place of solace for me. If I were forced to pick my favorite book of the year it would be a tie between Deanna Templeton and Bieke Depoorter’s brilliant books! Those two stood out above the rest. Overall, it was a great year for photobooks, and, as a result, this is a longer than normal list. I hope you enjoy the selection as much as I have.

What She Said by Deanna Templeton, Mack

Agata by Bieke Depoorter, Self Published

Languor by Donavon Smallwood, Trespasser

El Jardín de Senderos Que Se Bifurcan by Tarrah Krajnak, Dais

The Local by Nick Meyer, Mack

Arboreal by Virginia Wilcox, Deadbeat Club

Surface Tension by Tabitha Soren, RVB

Venus & Mercury by Viviane Sassen,  Aperture

The World's First Photobook was Blue by Anna Cabrera and Angel Albarrán, the(M) Editions

Laurel Mountain by Jake Reinhart, Deadbeat Club

Suburban Bus by Alejandro Cartagena, The Velvet Cell

Street Portraits by Dawoud Bey, Mack

Family Diary by Issei Suda, Chose Commune

Town of C by Richard Rothman, Stanley Barker

Catherine Opie by Catherine Opie, Phaidon

Ground Truth by Sheung Yiu, The Eriskay Connection

Chris McCall is Director of Pier 24 in San Francisco, perhaps the the best place in the world to view photographic works. He is much taller than us.

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PHOTOBOOKS OF NOTE 2021 - Martin Amis

PHOTOBOOKS OF NOTE 2021 - Martin Amis

Encampment, Wyoming: Selections from the Lora Webb Nichols Archive 1899-1948, FW: BooksI had this on my 2020 list for Photobookstore, but most people didn’t get to see it until this year so I will ...
